Designed for multiple screens;
Can be used as a signal hot backup device;
When using 1 to 8 mode, up to 8 cards can be cascaded(that is 1 to 64)
This product has been no longer in production and our recommended alternatives are as follows:
Linsn EX902D Multi Function Controller Card. 15% off, Choose the trust-worthy LED Display Online store
This product has been no longer in production and our recommended alternatives are as follows:
LINSN EX906D Multi-Function LED Controller Box
Linsn LD001 Outdoor Light Sensor work with EX901D/Ex902D/EX903A
Linsn LP210 Outdoor LED Screen Light Sensor detect the brightness of ambient light to control the brightness of the display to save energy and extend the life of the display. Work with TS952 / TS952 PLUS / TS962
The introduction of long-distance optical fiber transmission system, fiber optic transmission of this technology, the LED display control
signal can be transmitted to longer distances,
to ensure the integrity of the signal so that the whole LED display system more stable, reliable and convenient.
The introduction of long-distance optical fiber transmission system, fiber optic transmission of this technology, the LED display control
signal can be transmitted to longer distances, to ensure the integrity of the signal so that the whole LED display system more stable,
reliable and convenient.
LISTEN LS-N3 Asynchronous LED Sign Control Card