Huidu HD-S108 Full Color Multiple-function Sensor Box


S108 is a full color multiple-function sensor box that integrates temperature, humidity, brightness and remote control.

SKU: Huidu HD-S108 Category:

999 in stock


S108 is a full color multiple-function sensor box that integrates temperature, humidity, brightness and remote control,Connected to the LED display control system,The ambient temperature and humidity can be displayed on the LED display,At the same time, it supports automatically changing the brightness according to the surrounding brightness environment change. In addition, the program can be paused and played and the program can be switched through the remote control.

Technical Parameters:

Working temperature:-40~85℃
Sensitivity – high \ medium \ low:Get data every 5s\10s\15
Standard wiring length:1500mm


Temp:Monitor temperature and display on LED screen,Measuring range:-40℃~123.8℃
Humidity:Monitor humidity and display on the LED screen,Measuring range:0%RH~100%RH
Brightness:Automatically change the brightness of the LED display according to the brightness change of the environment,Adjustment range:1%~100%
Remote :Realize remote control of switching programs, program pauses and play.


Download Specification:
Huidu HD-S108 Full Color Multiple-function Box Specification




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Weight0.5 kg
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