Megmeet MCP200WS-4.5A-B Switching Power Supply


The power supply unit consists of input stage, PFC stage, DC/DC stage, and control circuit. Input stage includes surge protect circuit, EMC circuit, soft-start-up circuit, etc. This circuits help to meet EMC regular of EN55022 etc. DC/DC stage delivers a desired output voltage. Control circuit carries out many functions as OVP, OLP, OTP, loop control.

SKU: Megmeet MCP200WS-4.5A-B Category: Brand:

Availability: 9996 in stock

Megmeet MCP200WS-4 Main components functions are described as below:

G2- input rectifier
EC8- Input Capacitor
Q1- PFC Mosfet
D9- PFC Output Diode
EC8- PFC Output Capacitor
Q2&Q3- DC/DC Mosfet
Q4&Q6- DC/DC Output Synchronic-Rectifiers
EC1- Output Capacitor
U- Isolated Opt couple for feedback control

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Megmeet MCP200WS-4.5A-B Switching Power Supply Megmeet MCP200WS-4.5A-B Switching Power Supply Megmeet MCP200WS-4.5A-B Switching Power Supply

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Weight 0.41 kg
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