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Novastar Taurus T2-4G Multi-media Player LED Screen Control Card


This product has been no longer in production and our recommended alternatives are as follows:

Novastar TB2-4G

SKU: Novastar-T2 Category: Brand:

Synchronous Display


  1. The T2-4G support switching on/off function of synchronous display.
  2.   When synchronous display is enable, the same content can be played on different displays synchronously if the time of different T2 units are synchronous with one another and the same program is being played.


Powerful Processing Capability

  1. 1.5GHz four-core processor
  2. Support for 1080P video hardware decoding,
  3. 1 GB operating memory and 8 GB internal storage space,


More Pictures of Novastar Taurus T2-4G Multi-media Player LED Screen Control Card:


Download Specification of Novastar Taurus T2-4G Multi-media Player LED Screen Control Card:

Will I be charged with customs and taxes?

The prices displayed on our site are tax-free in US Dollars, which means you may be liable to pay for duties and taxes once you receive your order. Import taxes, duties and related customs fees may be charged once your order arrives to its final destination, which are determined by your local customs office. Payment of these charges and taxes are your responsibility and will not be covered by us. We are not responsible for delays caused by the customs department in your country. For further details of charges, please contact your local customs office.

Weight 1 kg
Novastar T2-4G


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