Novastar A7s Pius Small Size High-end Large LED Screen Receiving Card Features:
1.Color management
Allow users to freely switch the color gamut ofthe screen between different gamuts in real timeto enable more precise colors on the screen.
Improve the LED display grayscale by 4 times toavoid grayscale loss due to low brightness andallow for a smoother image.
3.Pixel level brightness and chroma calibrationWork with NovaStar’s high-precision calibrationsystem to calibrate the brightness and chroma ofeach pixel, effectively removing brightnessdifferences and chroma differences, andenabling high brightness consistency andchroma consistency.
4.Quick adjustment of dark or bright linesThe dark or bright lines caused by splicing ofcabinets or modules can be adjusted to improvethe visual experience. This function is easy touse and the adjustment takes effect immediately.In NovaLCT V5.2.0 or later, the adjustment canbe performed without using or changing thevideo source.
5.3D functionWorking with the sending card that supports 3Dfunction, the receiving card supports 3D imageoutput.
6.Individual gamma adjustment for RGBWorking with NovaLCT (V5.2.0 or later) and thesending card that supports this function, thereceiving card supports individual adjustment ofred gamma, green gamma and blue gamma,which can effectively control image nonuniformity at low grayscale conditions and whitebalance offset, allowing for a more realisticimage.
7.Image rotation in 90° incrementsThe display image can be set to rotate inmultiples of 90° (0°/90°/180°/270°).
Novastar A7s PiusSmall Size High-end Large LED Screen Receiving Card Indicators

Novastar A7s Plus Small Size High-end Large LED Screen Receiving Card:

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NovastarA7s Plus Small Size High-end Large LED Screen Receiving Card
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