Mooncell A308 LED Screen Receiving Card


 Ultimate Loading Capacity
 Smart Software
 22Bit+ high-definition
 Configuration Readback
 Image Rotation
 Independent GAMMA Adjustment
 Construction of module structures

SKU: Mooncell A308 Category:

1000 in stock


A308 is a high-end & small-sized receiving card that produced by Mooncell with large loading capacity, the maximum pixels in total it could load can up to512X384.It has a very high processing performance together with the high stability & reliability,given that the A308 has been widely used at different respectable places and is well accepted by the users.


Enhanced Displaying Effect:
It supports pixel level brightness and Chroma Calibration
Multiple Solutions of the Displayed Effects are Supported
The images can be zoomed in or out
Enhanced Operability:
The Receiving Card is Supported to detect its own Sequence number
Data Port User-Defined is supported
To build up a complicated cabinet is supported
To structure a complicated Led Screen is supported
Smart software performance enhanced:
It supports to detect the error rates of the network cable
Communication Monitoring Function

Download Specification:
Mooncell A308 Receiving Card Specification



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Weight0.3 kg
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